Most of us understand that to build and maintain a lean, strong, healthy body, regular exercise has to become a regular part of our weekly routine.
Now for many of us, when the time comes to start incorporating exercise, our initial instinct will be to start with some form of cardiovascular exercise. Most often running or biking (via spinning).
And this initial instinct is solid. Cardiovascular exercise helps improve cardiovascular health, and if done in very large quantities, can aid somewhat in weight loss. (Although as we discussed in last week’s piece in the context of life it is actually far harder to lose weight through exercise than you probably realize.)
However far too many of us make the same critical mistake: We focus solely on cardiovascular exercise and fail to include resistance training in our overall exercise program.
But to build and maintain a lean, strong, healthy body, you have to make resistance training a central part of your exercise program.
Now, is cardiovascular exercise beneficial? Yes. And should it be included in your overall exercise program? Most likely.
But neglecting resistance training is a critical mistake as resistance training endows key benefits that cannot be obtained any other way.
First and foremost, resistance training builds strength and neuromuscular efficiency. (Neuromuscular efficiency is the ability to connect to, use, and coordinate your muscles effectively).
Strong, responsive, and coordinated muscles are what enable you to perform essential every day activities such as standing up, walking, climbing stairs, carrying heavy bags, and picking up heavy boxes (to name just a few) safely and easily.
Strong, responsive, and coordinated muscles are what enable you to excel during athletic activities and run, jump, cut, twist, hit, and strike (a ball like a tennis ball or golf ball) with force, power, accuracy, and authority.
And strong, responsive, and coordinated muscles keep you balanced, keep your joints stable, and absorb impact when you move. All of which dramatically reduce your injury risk and the likelihood you will suffer from long-term chronic joint pain.
Second, resistance training is an essential part of building a physically attractive and sexually appealing body.
Whether you are a man or a woman, they way you build a physically attractive and sexually appealing body is to, first, reduce your excess body fat, and then second build, tone, and sculpt specific key body parts.
And whether you are a man or a woman, the only way to build, tone, and sculpt a specific body part is to build lean muscle throughout that body part.
And whether you are a man or a woman, the only way to build lean muscle throughout a specific body part is to resistance train that body part.
So, if you want a bigger chest, a stronger back, broader shoulders, and thicker arms, or if you want a higher, fuller, firmer butt and lean, toned, and sculpted legs, you must incorporate resistance training exercises that target and build lean muscle throughout the specific body parts you want to develop.
Third, resistance training is one of the most effective ways of naturally increasing your testosterone levels, which has key health benefits for both men and woman.
Testosterone plays a central role in metabolism, enabling you to efficiently break down and use stored body fat to fuel activity. (This is essentially the process of how you lose weight.)
Testosterone plays a central role in building lean muscle, (which as we just established is essential for looking your best) essentially enabling your body to build and then connect the proteins that will be used to create your new lean muscle. (This is a simplified description of a long process and complex relationship, but it accurately summarizes the gist of testosterone’s relationship with lean muscle.)
And testosterone has a substantial impact on libido, sexual function, cognitive and neurological function, mood, and general energy levels.
When it comes to building a lean, strong, healthy body, resistance training is simply one of the single most beneficial and important activities you can engage in.
Resistance training will make you stronger, healthier, happier, sharper, and leaner. And resistance training is the foundation of a toned and sculpted body.
To build a lean, strong, healthy body, you must make resistance training a central part of your exercise program.
Your exercise and dietary coaching team.
Zach Moore Training.
And everyone, if you found today’s article insightful, inspiring or enlightening and you have a friend, family member, colleague or peer who you think would benefit from what we’ve talked about here today, pass on this email please.
One of the best things you can do for those you care about is helping them to build a healthy and great looking body. A body that is strong, capable and moves without pain and a body in which they feel confident and happy.